Walking Football

Exciting NWSF Walking Football Program

NWSF is delighted to announce an exciting Winter Program of Walking Football, starting Friday 5th of April.

As with all Walking Football Programs, we are encouraging fun and sportsmanship, dialling down the competitiveness to ensure everyone enjoys playing whatever their skill level.


Our Philosophy:

  • Walking Football is a non-competitive/social, low-impact, team-based exercise, utilising the Walking Football Rules and Formats - specifically, minimal contact with players and always having one foot on the ground.
  • Walking Football aims to provide participants with physical and mental health benefits, social connections, and the benefits of ongoing physical activity.
  • Players are strongly encouraged to play Walking Football in the 'Spirit of the Game' to ensure the safety & enjoyment of all participants - this includes not using aggressive tactics or body contact and to use positive and encouraging comments to all players.

 Player Eligibility:

  • Primarily we ask that you participate only if you have the correct attitude.
  • For Players over 40 years of age.  However, players under 40 may be allowed to play if they can provide details of any injury, health issues or other compelling reasons why they should play (i.e. something that prevents them from playing normal ‘running’ football).

How to Register for the Season:

Click here to start registering for Walking Football, should you have any questions on this process please contact Aaron nwsf@nwsf.com.au




I love this program! Gave me the confidence to come back to football after some time off due to injury

-Walking Football Participant

The benefits to joining are enormous. Players can start playing football for the first time, or improve their existing skills in a fun and safe environment. 

-Nikki, Walking Football Program Manager


Registration for Winter Walking Football is OPEN

Walking Football Rules & Eligibility